For man, autumn is a time of harvest, of gathering together.
For nature, it is a time of sowing, of scattering abroad.
-- Edwin Way Teale
I lay in my bed, wrapped in the softest of blankets, hands sore, bruised, back aching and stiff. I sip on a cup of tea, red berries and honey. I sink deeper into my pillows and give blessings to the warmth my bed holds and the comfort of the simplest luxury a dry roofed dwelling and a well fed stomach filled with baked apple and custard made by the loving hands of my mother, a gift for my days work. My body had switched off, gone into hibernate and was laying back lapping up the well deserved pampering. I didn't mind, in fact it reminded me I was alive and strong and I was grateful for that. My mind fills with warm, recollections of the day one flooded with laughter and happiness. The harvest was here, trees full of fruit ready for the picking. Much preparation had taken place, the collecting of boxes and newspapers, the clearing of suitable strange spaces not to mention the increasing collection of gardening equipment, ladders, buckets and the like. We were set, ready for action. The wind was kind to us that day, it quietened itself for a while giving the aging oaks a deserved rest bite from the dance of the days prior. For an autumn day it was indeed still, nature has allowed us the freedom of climbing the trees without the fear of the wind sweeping us off...,r:4,s
It never ceases to amaze how the days fall into one, the mind follows a pattern unique to each of us. Wake sleep, eat, work in no particular order. Emotions break the monotony, add flesh to the skeleton that is the routine of life. references to groundhog day, an ever circling cycle of predictable events accented by weekends and holidays, special lunches with friends, or the odd rebellious hanging out on a school night. Life is what we make of it. Yes we can be hindered by how our minds are from one day to the next, yes we can feel as though we are at the mercy of random thoughts, surging feelings both good and bad and often it takes a strength second only to that of the Gods to get us through one day to the next sometimes. There is no doubt in my mind that thoughts create our experiences as we usually act on the thoughts that are persistent. Positive or not, to the psyche it does nto seem to matter.
We may not resolve the issue we are plagued by but we may share them with friends, torment ourselves with 'what ifs and maybe's', or push the issue through from no solid basis. Taking a step back from it can be difficult but essential if you are to get a hold of the thoughts and assess why they are there. Is it coming from your soul self, an other worldly form of guidance or is it your history, an aspect of your psyche speaking. All of which are important, none are to be discounted. If we are to take the tree as the skeleton of our lives adorned with leaves, the leaves being the thoughts, feelings and emotions that are collected over time, in the case of the tree it is a yearly cycle. The tree naturally know there is a time to produce and a time to hibernate or share its spoils. We too need to tap into our own cycles of growth and rejuvenating, hibernating and shedding. Imagine your redundant thoughts and feelings connected to situations or other people are attached to you like the leaves to a tree, imagine you are making the conscious decision to shed the leaves from the tree and free the energy they absorb from you. Imagine that you are in control of which leaves are going to be shed and in which order, all you need to do is visualise that very process.
We may not resolve the issue we are plagued by but we may share them with friends, torment ourselves with 'what ifs and maybe's', or push the issue through from no solid basis. Taking a step back from it can be difficult but essential if you are to get a hold of the thoughts and assess why they are there. Is it coming from your soul self, an other worldly form of guidance or is it your history, an aspect of your psyche speaking. All of which are important, none are to be discounted. If we are to take the tree as the skeleton of our lives adorned with leaves, the leaves being the thoughts, feelings and emotions that are collected over time, in the case of the tree it is a yearly cycle. The tree naturally know there is a time to produce and a time to hibernate or share its spoils. We too need to tap into our own cycles of growth and rejuvenating, hibernating and shedding. Imagine your redundant thoughts and feelings connected to situations or other people are attached to you like the leaves to a tree, imagine you are making the conscious decision to shed the leaves from the tree and free the energy they absorb from you. Imagine that you are in control of which leaves are going to be shed and in which order, all you need to do is visualise that very process.
You are more powerful than you know, your mind only controls you as much as you let it, the connections you feel are redundant are easily released and replaced by you. All you need is the method and the courage to do so. The key to it is listening to which 'voice' it is that is speaking to you, is it the voice of your soul or the programming you have received over your life time. The dialogue that is running alongside your soul voice is not necessarily bad if it is in alignment with what feeds your soul. You will know which voices belong to which figures that have influenced you throughout your life. Teachers, parents, friends of past and present. Siblings, grandparents, the media. Internet, work collegues, bosses, lovers and those who have given their word to you in passing. Written and spoken word. Some of this can be useful, some of it less so. By identifying the attachments we have to experiences and dialoges that are not in line with our souls selves we are able to dis attach them and benefit from the energy that is freed up. In doing this you are able to shed old habits and behaviours, adopt new ones that resonate with your soul self and feel lighter and happy. In letting go of the attachments that have outlived them selves you can free yourself of all the emotions that go along with them. Imagine a life free of all that emotion stored in the unconscious and in the subtle energy. Go on this day and make a move to rid yourself of all the unwated, worn out, tired attachments and connections through visualisation, meditaion or writing.
source unkown, if you own this image and wish to have it removed i will do so. |
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