Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Autumn: An analogy for letting go

For man, autumn is a time of harvest, of gathering together.

For nature, it is a time of sowing, of scattering abroad.
-- Edwin Way Teale

I lay in my bed, wrapped in the softest of blankets, hands sore, bruised, back aching and stiff. I sip on a cup of tea, red berries and honey. I sink deeper into my pillows and give blessings to the warmth my bed holds and the comfort of the simplest luxury a dry roofed dwelling and a well fed stomach filled with baked apple and custard made by the loving hands of my mother, a gift for my days work. My body had switched off, gone into hibernate and was laying back lapping up the well deserved pampering. I didn't mind, in fact it reminded me I was alive and strong and I was grateful for that. My mind fills with warm, recollections of the day one flooded with laughter and happiness. The harvest was here, trees full of fruit ready for the picking. Much preparation had taken place, the collecting of boxes and newspapers, the clearing of suitable strange spaces not to mention the increasing collection of gardening equipment, ladders, buckets and the like. We were set, ready for action. The wind was kind to us that day, it quietened itself for a while giving the aging oaks a deserved rest bite from the dance of the days prior. For an autumn day it was indeed still, nature has allowed us the freedom of climbing the trees without the fear of the wind sweeping us off...


It never ceases to amaze how the days fall into one, the mind follows a pattern unique to each of us. Wake sleep, eat, work in no particular order. Emotions break the monotony, add flesh to the skeleton that is the routine of life. references to groundhog day, an ever circling cycle of predictable events accented by weekends and holidays, special lunches with friends, or the odd rebellious hanging out on a school night. Life is what we make of it. Yes we can be hindered by how our minds are from one day to the next, yes we can feel as though we are at the mercy of random thoughts, surging feelings both good and bad and often it takes a strength second only to that of the Gods to get us through one day to the next sometimes. There is no doubt in my mind that thoughts create our experiences as we usually act on the thoughts that are persistent. Positive or not, to the psyche it does nto seem to matter.

 We may not resolve the issue we are plagued by but we may share them with friends, torment ourselves with 'what ifs and maybe's', or push the issue through from no solid basis. Taking a step back from it can be difficult but essential if you are to get a hold of the thoughts and assess why they are there. Is it coming from your soul self, an other worldly form of guidance or is it your history, an aspect of your psyche speaking. All of which are important, none are to be discounted. If we are to take the tree as the skeleton of our lives adorned with leaves, the leaves being the thoughts, feelings and emotions that are collected over time, in the case of the tree it is a yearly cycle. The tree naturally know there is a time to produce and a time to hibernate or share its spoils. We too need to tap into our own cycles of growth and rejuvenating, hibernating and shedding. Imagine your redundant thoughts and feelings connected to situations or other people are attached to you like the leaves to a tree, imagine you are making the conscious decision to shed the leaves from the tree and free the energy they absorb from you. Imagine that you are in control of which leaves are going to be shed and in which order, all you need to do is visualise that very process. 

You are more powerful than you know, your mind only controls you as much as you let it, the connections you feel are redundant are easily released and replaced by you. All you need is the method and the courage to do so. The key to it is listening to which 'voice' it is that is speaking to you, is it the voice of your soul or the programming you have received over your life time. The dialogue that is running alongside your soul voice is not necessarily bad if it is in alignment with what feeds your soul. You will know which voices belong to which figures that have influenced you throughout your life. Teachers, parents, friends of past and present. Siblings, grandparents, the media. Internet, work collegues, bosses, lovers and those who have given their word to you in passing. Written and spoken word. Some of this can be useful, some of it less so. By identifying the attachments we have to experiences and dialoges that are not in line with our souls selves we are able to dis attach them and benefit from the energy that is freed up. In doing this you are able to shed old habits and behaviours, adopt new ones that resonate with your soul self and feel lighter and happy. In letting go of the attachments that have outlived them selves you can free yourself of all the emotions that go along with them. Imagine a life free of all that emotion stored in the unconscious and in the subtle energy. Go on this day and make a move to rid yourself of all the unwated, worn out, tired attachments and connections through visualisation, meditaion or writing.

source unkown, if you own this image and wish to have it  removed i will do so.

Friday, 22 October 2010

There is no spoon

Brain twists and turns in circles, zig zags and curves examining the problem, labelling it difficult, impossible, the task ahead is set and that is the breaking of the object of fixation. It grows in size, becomes more solid, a bulls eye appears on it to make sure it gains fullest attention. Then the mind takes over, it dances around the object keeping it in full view, not taking the eye off it for even a moment, playing up to its false identity, knowing that now a wall has been built it must come down. Then it happens, the stress increases, irritation ensues and before long the object of our attention takes a solid form in the centre of our thinking, until its owner successfully ignores it or rather buries until it rises up again wanting to be resolved.

This need not be the case, assess the object again, make friends with it and know that it night represent what is is we want to address but it is an ally, not our enemy. Now look around this object, what is its true nature, and what is our relationship to it. It comes into our realisation that whatever we are faced with is build upon our perception of it. If another was to be faced with the same object would it necessarily take the same form. So in as much as the object if open to infinite interpretations from infinite observers it is also unreal, it does not in a sense, exist. If the goal of seeing the object in the first place is so that we can manipulate it, then is it actually necessary to see it as a physical fixture before us in the first place. Surely it serves us better to have in mind the outcome in front of us, and a sense of peace, or accomplishment instead of fear or frustration. You can not fight something that is not there, and something that is not there can not stand in your way. So you see it is easier to bend yourself than the object you are confronted with.

What defines your reality? Is it the accumulative product of your senses working together to build an idea of the world around you? If this is the case then all we can be is a biological organism responding to sensory stimuli. We are indeed beings of the earth, here to experience the sights, sounds, tastes and textures, is that really as simple as all that? The clip shows a child speaking to Neo, advising him on reality. The child effortlessly manipulates a spoon in front of Neo's eyes and then returning it back to its original shape. Are we to take his message as a metaphor for living life consciously? In the clip the spoon can be taken as any object that we wish to fixate on, as an image that we wish to manipulate. This could be an exam grade we wish to achieve or a habit we wish to break. Or even a goal we would like to accomplish. If you set your mind on something you might as well be setting against it, go with the flow and visualise completion, you are master of your own reality, and own destiny.


Thursday, 21 October 2010

Living in truth.

click for source

I often disappear into a world far away from the one in which I sit. My psychical body and mind switch onto standby, asleep enough to allow my flight to take place but alert so as to catch the moments that require prompt return.

I sit and write this knowing the climate of late has left many with a gentle dis-ease, a wobbling feeling, slight disconcertion, a sense that all is not quite right in the world. In my experience in working with others it has seemed to me that this feeling has been increasing ever so slightly; and in recent years just enough for me and others to want to gather all that we have learnt and channelled to help others to connect to the truth of all that is.

Some can do this and gain comfort when addressing questions regarding the bigger picture concerning the path of their soul in this moment. Gone are the days where individuals working on a mediumistic frequency were unable to connect to direct guidance for themselves, not guidance for personal gain but guidance to help them fast track their ego selves into line with their soul mission. The purpose of which is to mature them to the point where they can be facilitators of peace and growth in those that come for guidance from them.

There is a flip side to this as you may well of pre empted in that if you have earned the kind of responsibility then you must also adhere to a plethora of universal rules and laws, things that will be come second nature, things you don't even need to be taught, the more you learn to sit in our truth the more integrated this way of living becomes.   To gain responsibility and therefore be entrusted with wisdom you must refine your living self here on earth. It starts with your interactions with others, how you conduct yourself, be consciously aware of your impact on another.

Universal laws are not that far removed from moralistic living, many religions have a kind of code of conduct set out for its parishioners to follow. The universe has filtered its message down to us through many means in many forms but essentially the message is there and its clear, a formula for living consciously with a strong sense of identity and connectivity to all there is. To be aware is all that there is to live a life that is fulfilling.  The more we practice our truths the easier it is to see there rules and integrate them for the joy and well being of not only ourselves but those around us.

click for source

Try this exercise that when practiced can be a door way into sitting in your truth.

Sit in a comfortable position, comfortable chair or cushion, you may sit cross-legged on the floor if you so wish.

Either close your eyes or gently hold your gaze on a point on the floor just in front of you.

Gently take your focus to your in and outward breathe.

Imagine the inward breathe is the purification of the body and mind, allow it to be a cooling breathe, one that releases all the tensions of the day, feel you mind release thoughts and feelings, allow them to pass through you into the ether.

Allow your mind to identify tensions within the body, on every outwards breathe release the tensions from toes to tip of the head and fingers, with every inwards breath identify tension and with every outward breathe release it. Continue without regulating your breathing until you feel totally at ease, relaxed and ready to move onto finding your inner spiritual peace,

Allow your mind to bathe in the deep relaxation out have created, and picture before you a brilliant white light, allow this white light to evolve before you until you have created a platform from which to work,

As you focus on the light repeat, 'I am a being of light, I am at one with the universal truths, I speak my truth, I live my truth, I am at peace with all that is in my feeling world'

Sit with this affirmation for a while, allow its vibration to flow through you...

When you are ready, expand the light before you so that it fills the whole of your being,

Sit with this for a while, taking in all that it has to give you,

When you are ready, bring your attention back to the physical body and to the room in which you sit.

I wish you all a beautiful day filled with peace and joy.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Instant gratification: Root cause of emotional ineptitude?

    The human race moves into a position where they are used to being instantly gratified, the text message connects lovers instantly, perpetuates arguments, allows people to be late, gone are the days when a horseman would take love letter from one end of the country to the next while the lady in question sat in waiting for the response of her betrothed. Who has the stamina to do this in this time? Few I imagine. Individuals have been conditioned to respond instantly to resolve uncomfortable emotions by whatever means, there is a sense of over load if feelings can not be dissolved instantly through help from another. Imagine, the lovers again, a quarrel ensues and a door slams on the argument, leaving each with things unsaid and emotions running wild. There is no need to resolve before this point because with one text the whole thing can be reinstated, continued, perpetuated. No time for cool down either as turning off you r phone is alien to you or instils panic in the other. The need for instant gratification and the inability to endure uncomfortable emotions have come together to create a heady mix that makes an emotional life unbearable for many. So how do they cope. Burying heads in the sand, filling the feeling world  with 'noise', blocking out the pain, frustration, anger or confusion or even blurting the whole sordid truth onto that social network of which we spoke, using cryptic prose to not quite disclose the truth but gather the intended reactions non the less. Responses, not from the one you love but from anyone who is on there at the time, scouring the 'feed', click happy to 'like' or 'comment'. Comfort is borne from the ramblings of faceless individuals that claim to know you.
    click for source
    Pop psychologists talk about emotional maturity and the ability to control emotions such as anger or stress. I think they've missed the point. Its not emotional maturity society wants from us its immaturity and an ability to squash emotion as it arises, there is no care how this happens, as long as it veers towards a patch, a band aid to prevent leakage in that moment forbid man might act on his passions. Why do you think negativity is rife in the world, why do you think men fight and scrap, relationships break down or the ability to converse is waning?  Displacement. Lashing out at another because you can not meet yourself head on and convert the discomfort you feel internally into something that feels good. Denial. Running away from how we feel in the first place or even running away from the reality that you can not make peace with the fact you are an emotional being. Repression, suppression, sublimation, the list goes on. Why do you think it would be beneficial to the dictators in this world if their subjects were struggling with emotion, or keys into the need to be instantly gratified? Why do you think a world full of emotionally dysfunctional beings is useful, or even preferable to the system that 'supports' us? There may be many reasons or I might just be blowing hot air, you decide. 
    A nation of individuals that are being bombarded, heavily influenced by a high level of noise are less adept at sitting in silence, or with themselves and their own thoughts and feelings. By this I am talking about factions within society providing its inhabitants with devices or external influences that serve as entertainment but also service the need in humans to feel emotionally satiated, instantly gratified. Examples of this in my mind are services that attend to primal needs including, hunger, sex, personal safety,   the need to reproduce, self esteem, self,-actualisation, need for social contact, recognition, family, stature, among many more. Hunger is attended to by pre packaged fast food, home delivery, take always and so on. No longer is there a need for humans to go hungry as long as there is a telephone or means of getting to a shop or take away. Eating does not for many involve preparation or even a knowledge of the ingredients within the products they consume. Think of the lads on a Saturday night, watching footie, beer to hand and a take away in transit on speed dial for the extra people that might turn up. 
    You can sit on a  social network and forge friendship without even leaving the house or speaking a word, its all achieved by creating  a desirable profile with pictures, comments, music and the like that fits an image of ourselves that boosts out self esteem without the risk of the other meeting our true selves of which we may feel is not up to the task of making friends. We allow ourselves to be programmed into thinking what is desirable in the other sex by watching or absorbing the content of advertising campaigns and beauty products or even the hype of popular sex symbol celebrities. Youth is key, anti age this that and the other, lift, boost, erase, feel younger, look better, be more desirable. We actually buy into the possibility that a jar of cream holds the answer to extended youth at £19.99. What about personality, aging gracefully, the cycle of life?
    If our primal needs as individuals are attended to in such a way, we are being shown what we do and don't want by an external source it stands to reason that we start to lose the capability to choose for ourselves. If we can reassure ourselves by creating a false image through products that improve us by faking perk boobs, fuller lips, a massive friend base and the ability to provide for ourselves through credit then why would we even want to sit with the possibility there is a real us in there a thinking feeling person pure and un-programmed by society. We are from birth in my eyes set up by the external influences brought to us mainly by the media to project emotions and a way of being onto us. Materialism is key in this world, its about what you project and does it fit the image of being successful and desirable.
    In my mind this all unravels if you take it all away. No music instantly provided by stereo or online downloader, no TV or magazines, in fact no electronic means to connect with others or information. If we all had to rely on one on one interactions with fellow humans, the walk to a super market to buy ingredients for food we had to cook ourselves, to write letters to one another, have conversations, meet for company, socialise to find a mate then we would have to rely more on ourselves than allowing the falsehood of society land what they think we need in our laps. 

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Conscious living: short notes

Quote is from the book "Oneness" by Rasha

 unknown source

 Gently I let my mind slip into that comfortable place, the one between this world and the next, a place of no mind as I relax into channelling my musings of the day. Chanel musings you might ask, yes, channel musings. For me the silent space between these two places is where I quietly connect to the me that has existed all day just aside of the hustle and bustle of the physical world. Although always connected one has to drift ever so slightly between the ego self and the true self. As a human being interacting in a world full of others of the same matter there is always a need to employ the physical workings of the psyche whilst holding the perspective of an aware being functioning from a perspective of a higher source of ourselves. We are after all at the mercy more often than not to the psyche, the programming within the grey matter that some say is the seat of consciousness! Is this really conscious living or is what I'm doing right now along with millions of others the true meaning of conscious living, the recording of the reflections one has at their conduct their interactions throughout the day. To live consciously for me is to be aware of how we perceive our thought processes and how we engage our connected selves when interacting with an other. It is about picking up on when we fall into old patterns of thinking or behaviour instead of employing ways of thinking that are either new or akin to our soul. Its catching ourselves in the moment. A favorite of mine is the way in which some people feel it necessary to bond with one another by pointing out the misfortunes of another. How often have you ladies heard a group of girls cackling at the dress sense of someone outside of their group or mocking the appearancve of a celeb on telly that is popular with the opposite sex just to get a reaction an admiration or to forge common ground on which to cling? When in my company I have noticed people are acutely aware of this trait, aware of themselves taking part in a people watching exercise where they pick one unfortunate individual and criticise their way of being. Embarrassment often ensues the other party when i do not join in. Its not because I do not want to bond, its not because I judge the behaviour, its purely because I have grown away from the need to look upon external links to conjure up common ground on which to strike conversation. If you are likable you are likable through your own merits maybe. Also if you think hard enough most of us at one time or another have been the butt of the joke and it doesn't feel that great. If we were all to take a minute and just think for a second about how it would feel to be in that other persons shoes: If we were they for a moment listening to our thoughts on their choice of footwear or the fit of their jeans we be so bold as to speak that way again? I think not. Conscious living is not solely for the high thinker, it is for everyone, its about living your life and treating others in a way that you would like to be treated yourself. If every time you touched another organic being you touched like it was as precious to you as your life its self how different would your world be.


Sunday, 12 September 2010

Familiers: My furry family

In the quietest of moments I can hear him outside the window padding round the field his friends in tow how comical they look, tall any loping through to small and feisty. In my room I can sense my beautiful snow dog curled at the base of the bed, she’s heard something and pricks here ears to hone in on its movements. She decided there is nothing to worry me about but gently hops up onto my bed anyway just to make sure. I get much comfort from my animal family. I am lucky to have their devotion and endless supply of love and gratitude but make no mistake, this comes as a a gift in return for my learning of their spirits and my efforts to give them the best lives I humanly can.

My animal family provide boundless love and comfort, each of them come with their own story. My stunning flea bitten grey horse, fostered by me for a friend because he lost his way one day and needed communication of a different kind that I by chance could give him. We have had our ups and downs but on the whole he has shown himself to be the most sensitive of souls, noble and kind. We are similar he and I, when pushed too far out of a comfort zone, or when the message unclear we both get confused and lost for a while. He has taught me not to get caught up in this. He has taught me to keep my head when all inside me says lose it, or all around me do not understand. In learning this, learning his ways I have been able to heal mine and help him to find a better way. He loves me for this and I him. We move through the hard times together and have a lot of fun along the way. One day he showed me he loved to jump so we went with friends to a competition, he carried me through the toughest course of huge jumps having not jumped for years and made a very good job of looking after me whilst looking like a pro.

My smallest family member is unharmed by human hand, fearless and cheeky. He is a small skewbald miniature pony with all the gusto of a dray horse. My little man is well on his way to pulling carts and he is only two years old. He has taught me that nothing is too big to achieve if you truly believe you can do it. He has shown me that a bit of pluckiness goes a long way to gaining respect. He bowls up to the biggest of animals and asserts himself in all his cheekiness and somehow gets away with it. I have not taught him much yet but he has gifted me more than I can ever tell, he has given me his trust, he has shown me laughter and fun, he has nurtured me when I have needed it the most. He is so innocent but always knows when he is needed. I am looking forward to growing old with him for he is a good friend to me.

The last of my equine family is a fallen super star. Once a prized race horse running all over the world he is now residing in a field with his friends enjoying the adjustment to becoming a regular grazing horse. He has had his fair serving of hard times, a blown tendon that finished his career and a knock of confidence as he was sent to the thoroughbred sales a broken man. At almost 18hh he is a formidable yet handsome soul with knowing gentle eyes. He nurtures all things from myself to the elderly that come to feed him apples. His true friend is the small pony and his protector the knowing grey but what he really is working on is the companionship of the tiger striped cat who he has watched grow from kitten to cat over the last 6 months. In time I know he will win her over, she already stays for long period watching him letting him nuzzle him with his nose. He almost holds his breathe so as not to startle her as he blows out long breaths of air. He is recovering again from a poorly foot. We all thought he was going to be retired for good but the heavens opened for us and them upstairs saw fit for him to be healed. October is the day we will be riding again, maybe he will once more be a super star in his own eyes, all i know is whatever it takes I will make him feel special again.

Finally my little snowy. She is old now, 16 we think, beautiful white with brown ears and a drown patch over her eye. In her prime she was sleek and muscled so fast she took my breath away as she ran dodging obstacles, twisting and turning. She came to me angry and fighting as the result of a bad upbringing at the hand of an ignorant young man. She was so scared she would bite before she could get bitten, refusing food for fear she might get hit or kicked when she accepted it. She scared me with her speed and the indiscriminate acts of aggression at even the slightest muscle movement as she was so keen to protect herself from harm. In time we gained each other’s trust, even that very same night she came to me she slept on my feet gently shifting out of my way as I turned in my sleep. Slowly she came to let me fuss her, walk her on a lead and show her the sights of the Derbyshire Dales where we lived. The poor thing had never seen expanses of grass, rivers, or trees and hills. She was petrified of the long grass and the other walkers and their dogs running to hide behind me in an effort to become invisible. In her own time she learned to ignore her fears and began to enjoy life. the countryside was her new best friend especially the rivers and streams that had fast flowing water. she would jump and bite the spray and dig to free trapped rocks. Each time she would look up at me with sparkling eyes and big grin face covered in water and weed. I so love this little dog. Old now she is slow and slightly clumsy, her memories of her spritely days fading as she finds it hard to locate me now at distance or hear my voice when I tell her I love her or call her to come to me. She is happy though, curled at my feet or bimbling around the garden occasionally jumping to catch flies or hopping over the long grass. There is certainly life in the old dog yet with 3 mile long hikes and spinning for her walks or food. She has taught me so much about patience and trust. I move slowly with her my closest of friends. Never do I ask more of her than I know she can give and I always wait for her to be surd before I ask her to do something new. I am nurturing her now more than ever, keeping her safe preparing myself for the day when she will be gone, not that it is any day soon. We will enjoy each other’s company for a while more especially the oncoming winter time when we can snuggle together in front of the fire sharing our quilt while we read books or watch TV.

These are just the animals of now, the ones with which I share my life today. There have been many throughout my life all of which have taught me many different things and a better way of being. This is a dedication to them, my furry friends of whom I will never forget and will always hold in my heart.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Musings through pictures...

I am the fallen trees on wooded floor, wrapped in mulching leaves.

I am the star lit sky,

I am flying through outer space reaching soul known depth of passage.

I am the rain that falls on the face of the efin changling running through the forest.

Monday, 23 August 2010

Early Years: M.B.S. and the Canadian

One, two, three, four, five, six... 'how many readers?!' seven, eight, nine, a palmist, rune reader, clairvoyant, clairvoyant, clairvoyant, fifteen, an artist, seventeen, 'someone else has been on some kind of psychic TV'. Many faces looking back trying to catch the eye of the young gaunt girl who was shifting uneasily around the perimeter. Dressed in black with lashings of makeup around her eyes shyness covered an inner astuteness and a keen eye for the fake and fraudulent. Looking considerably younger than her years she must of looked an easy catch to the less sincere in the room. For reasons unknown to anyone it has stuck that age equals wisdom. More fool the modern day spiritualist that holds this view! 

She was looking for answers, she'd got a whiff of a direction and was seeking clarification. Unfortunately for our young heroine the only place to seek out such truths was at the local annual Mind Body Spirit Fair lined wall to wall with all manner of weird, wonderful esoteric treats, delights and dangers. After dallying for a while at the crystal stall she resigned herself to what she believed the inevitable and made her choice, a wissen looking grey haired aura photography clairvoyant. Narrowing her eyes and strengthening her resolve the girl strode up and requested a photo and reading. The lady narrowed her eyes in the same resolute manner and beckoned to what looked to be her equally wissen husband, a druidy looking man with twinkly looking eyes and with a dumbed down alertness about him. 'Prepare this girl for her photo' croaked the lady in a husky Canadian accent. Taken aback a little by the roughness of the voice the girl positioned herself in a crocked little wooden chair as instructed and posed solemnly wrapped in a black cloth. Peering over an odd shaped contraption connected to an elderly computer was the Canadians grey bearded husband. He was quite obviously pulling his 'concentrating face' as he fiddled with knobs and clicked his mouse until 'Ready, ok now, we've done it! Just wait a few minutes for it to print out and we'll be ready for you.' equally surprisingly the gentleman spoke in a soft rolling Scottish accent a favourite of the young girls. This was of comfort as she had begun to feel uneasy at the outward appearances of both these individuals and had resigned herself to the fact that if nothing else she would have a useful photo to go home with.

Soon enough the photo was printed and handed to the girl, as he unwrapped her from the black clothe he said 'Its still wet, you'll have to hold it by the edge so as not to smudge the image!' Nodding earnestly the girl was guided away from the photographic department towards the reading department.

The grey lady sat in front of a pack of disceveralled looking cards. Unusually she shuffled them and picked for the girl. The cards she recognised as Crystal Cards, they depicted computer generated images of an artists interpretation of each crystal listed on the bottom of each card. The girl liked the cards but looked upon them as gobblydy gook. With wrinkled forehead the lady began to speak. Her voice droned on in a cryptic manner with very little of what she said making any sense to the girl. Somehow though there was a silent acknowledgement that there was an immense power being played out between the two. The lady drew yet another card. The girl craned her neck around to peep at the words 'storm' it said. 'How ominous' thought the girl straightening herself up and preparing herself for bad news. The intensity of the moment was broken by a loud click as the lady switched off the tape recorder that had been sitting as a third party to the reading all the while. 'What I have to say to you remains off tape' Cracked the Canadian accent again, 'you my darlin' have had trouble with the dark side?' Stunned for a second the girl regrouped as the all too familiar memories of childhood battles with 'shadow' spirit flooded her head. 'Yes' she murmured, 'I did'. Nodding in acknowledgement of the unspoken pain the girl had most certainly suffered the lady continued. 'We both know this energy is back right?' The girls muscles tightened she too easily slipped into the months chilling incidents, the lady continued. 'Well you know what, its sometimes ok to take light to these entities but there are times when you need to kick ass. You know, tell the bastards to F off'. Stunned into silence by the Canadians frankness it was the girls turn to nod in an acknowledging manner. The fortune tellers style was uncouth to say the least not to mention the colourful language that was to follow as the woman imparted all her knowledge on the 'dark arts' to the girl , off record of course.

The encounter between them grew in magnitude as the likemindeds sparked off of each others experiences. The girl stared on wide eyed intently absorbing all the lady had to say regarding her current brush with the undesirable side of spirit. When the girl had been armed with the correct but unorthodox formulae for tacking her demons the Canadian deemed the experience worth while. The tape machine clicked back on and as if by magic she droned on with the analysis of the aura photo that by now had faded into insignificance behind the revelations of the off the record converstaion.

Soon enough it was over. The girl thanked the Canadian for her services and nodded toward the 'photographer' in recognition of his comforting presence. As she turned to leave the wissen reader shouted after her, 'You'll thank me if you take my advice and stop drinking that shit' gesturing to a now flat can of diet coke gripped in her latest fledglings bony white hand. 'Aspartamine, its a poison, heed my word!' Smiling stiffly the girl nodded again trying to hide the guilt of her ignorance at the harmful beverage she held so dear and desperately trying to shrink from the humiliation of her stark outing of her one indulgence. So swiftly she moved on around he fair head swimming, the content of the reading now residing in her bag recorded on tape for all time. But at what use? 'The tape holds all I don't need, my memory has to hold all that was useful!' 'Typical!' Sure enough there was a definite need for some heavy down time and thought processing but here was not the time nor the place.

The fair had now lost its appeal, she had found what she didn't know she had been seeking and decided to head home. Slowly she made her way through the sea of spiritual seekers and money makers out towards the entrance hallway and out of the door into the light. To her utter amazement it was not fresh air that greeted her but a cloud of cigarette smoke, thick and suffocating. Wrinkle nosed and slightly miffed that in such a wholesome environment would the organisers allow people to smoke in mass in the doorway of a 'Mind Body Spirit' event she peered into the smoke. In the midst of it all, wrinkled and wissen, croaking and smiling was the Canadian.... 'we all have our vices' she quipped after the girl. So they both went their separate ways humoured by the hypocrisy of the vices but happy at the recognition that no matter how wise, or how gifted we are far from infallible, we are still happily human.


Saturday, 21 August 2010


I take a match to a candle to bring in the light, carefully I choose incense, not too strong, just enough to help change my mindset, a familiar scent to encourage the flow.  I scan my eye across the small white clothed table when I feel that oh so familiar tug towards a faithful stone. Gently I caress it in my hand quietly waiting for it to speak to me. The gentle pressure builds in my inner ear, the slight pitch change signalling that other frequency.' Game on' I think to myself as I align myself towards the task ahead. Softly I feel leaf by leaf the offering I wish to present to my companions, I whisper to myself 'from tiny acorns do great oaks grow'.  I search within my heart for the guidance the words of a loved one echoes through my being 'I have faith in you, be brave, move without fear.' Outside the window I can hear the wind rushing through the trees and hear their straining voices as they ride the element who a day previous was almost absent. Intermittent pattering and the odd chime as rain droplets strike potted plants below. Tightening my senses I feel the earth holding my standing friends breathe again as it  absorbs the life giving liquid so precious at this time. I give thanks to the earth who holds me, who feeds my living being. I give thanks also to the sky who shelters me, gives me warmth or guides me with his stars, pin pricks of wisdom.  I take a deep breath and am humbled to be here.  So I begin. Chosen ones here we stand as seemingly insignificant as the droplet of water teetering on the edge of my windowsill this stormy night. We are akin to this droplet in so many ways but have you ever stopped to consider it?

The droplet takes the form of a sphere, the most energy efficient shape in the universe, if it was not for gravity all water would float in spheres. It is bound into shape with a tensioned surface, you can possibly liken this self formed casing to the boundaries we set in our minds or the physical auric shell surrounding our bodies  as both things are borne from us. Indeed many psychoanalysts of our time have likened the self to a sphere with the ego floating as a tiny island within it. The sphere of the self is free of location, free of linear factors and is seemingly unique to each one of us. Our little rain drop is gripped tightly by the window sill, for a moment they have a symbiotic relationship hovering there for a moment in time. The sill does not require the rain no more than the rain requires it, their meeting is mere experience. We too have encounters that for a moment or more that  pull us out of our energy efficient state of aloneness and cause us to melt for a while with another which in the case of the windowsill may not be the most feeding of relations . In this vain there are many interactions that should be marked down as nothing more than experience but sometimes this is not the case, how many times have you felt gripped by things that pull you out of shape, do not feed you, cause you to resist the pull of 'gravity' and keep you from moving onto your path?

 Imagine our droplet again. Its momentum may catch up with it and cause it to gradually regroup to fall away from the sill again carrying on its journey leaving behind a small residue of itself. We too can part from situations or events that require us only to pick up information and move on, we too energetically or maybe emotionally speaking leave a residue of ourselves behind however in falling we gain momentum, a freedom from that which we leave behind. The droplet is attracted to more of its kind as it lands on another surface, the droplets may meld together forming a bigger union. This too may form momentum and fall again, leaving a little residue behind. Likened forms merge boundaries for a while and there is a meaningful exchange, such connections may have a more lasting place on the journey but these too may in time find themselves moving in separate circles.

So this is where we find our selves, maybe you might want to cast your mind to where you on your path in terms of the interactions or bonds that may be present in this phase of your life. Have you found your way to this blog to form a new alliance, to share for a while? Will you pick up likemindeds here or just collect information you need to gather momentum again to move on with your journey? Whatever it may be chosen ones, remember you are unique, a fully formed self moving through this life so do so with clear intent knowing you will only flow forward effectively if you learn to stay a self contained being of light.